Terms, Contact Info, Recipe Index, and link love


You can reach me by email at indigoscones@gmail.com

For recipe-specific questions, please comment directly on the page containing the recipe.  You'll get a quicker response that way rather than through email, and anyone else wondering the same thing will get answered just by seeing your comment and its reply.

 I'm also on Pinterest and Instagram!  

A few factoids:
My camera gear:
My first food photos ever taken were with a Fuji point-and-shoot, which I used for my first blog. When I started this blog, I upgraded to a Canon Rebel XTi. I first used the standard kit lens (18-55mm), but now consistently shoot with a 50mm f1.8; and sometimes a borrowed 24-70mm f2.8. It is an ever-learning process that I love.

More than sweets:
Though I prefer to bake and photograph sugary things, I can certainly cook, and post such savory experiences when I find it convenient.