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Mint Chocolate Chip Meringues

  I think some of my earliest memories of pine needles come from the little fir grove on my grandparent's farm.  That grove used to seem huge to me.  The tall, curiously cloaked trees constantly dropping pine cones and covering the ground with their sleek leaves.  The shag carpet effect those dying needles created mesmerized me.  The way the light filtered through those trees was different, but I remember loving it.  It was always pretty there, no matter the time of year.

  While that grove was often my go to, other places on the farm also grabbed me.  The raspberry bushes, sunflowers, hammock, the back field where you could see all the land rolling out perfectly beneath you.  Living on a hilltop is not something to take for granted.



  It's been an age since I posted just for the sake of posting.  I've been stressing myself out, week after week, to just bake/cook something so I could have an excuse to write.  I'm kind of realizing how silly that is, how it causes me to lose sight of the fact that I actually started this blog because I truly enjoy being in the kitchen.

  Truth is, I'm just busy.  But it's not just busy, because really, we're all busy.  It's also that I don't feel like organizing my busy-ness.  I don't want to prioritize.  Something about writing that out makes me feel 10x lazier than I know I really am.