Salted Peanut Butter Pretzel Cookies
There are quite a few things that run through my head late at night, and a lot of times they have something to do with food. I've gotten some of my best recipe ideas right before I fall asleep, sometimes even in my dreams, ya know.
Anyway, I was visualizing pressing down peanut butter cookie dough with a fork, creating that lovely criss cross pattern. Somehow this segued into pressing down cookie dough with a pretzel...and then sprinkling on a little extra sea salt.
I might be the only one who thinks this is the best idea ever, and I did end up using a fork to flatten the dough initially anyway, but salflksdg;hasdlcken;aoishegea.sde.
These were really freaking good.
Mini Tiered Red Velvet Macaroon Cake
Hello hello hello. Guess what?
I'm in my 20s! Yay! Not 21, just 20, but yay! That's kinda cool, kinda weird.
I had a rough week last week, I've been having some up and downs in general. But right now, right now is good. I've had a quote stuck in my head lately that goes along the lines of "Wherever you are, be all there." I guess it's a live in the moment kind of thing, but just a wee bit more introspective than YOLO. I get into bad habits of worrying, fretting, and all that. Then I find myself looking back and realizing I never let myself enjoy the really good times I have had as much as I could've, either because I didn't realize how good they really were at the time or because I was busy thinking of something else my daydreaming worrying brain conjured.
So EFF THAT let's eat cake and sit in cafes and watch grumpy little Wisconsin-ers dash about in the first flurries of snow. Sometimes Starbucks is my saving grace, there is almost nothing a good dose of people watching can't fix.
Cream Cheese Apple Coffee Cake
n. a kind of melancholic trance in which you become completely absorbed in vivid sensory details—raindrops skittering down a window, tall trees leaning in the wind, clouds of cream swirling in your coffee—which leads to a dawning awareness of the haunting fragility of life.
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