Two 12x18 inch layers of fantastic chocolate cake sandwiching a filling of fluffy caramel swiss meringue buttercream, held together by a fudgy cocoa frosting.
Undoubtedly the biggest project for my party, and maybe the most stressful cake I've assembled yet. But was it worth it? Ohhhh yes. I think a small part of me died when we finally had to cut into it.
Honestly, you should have seen me trying to assemble the thing. Notice the delightful frosting-streaked table background. I'm probably the messiest decorator ever...heh. Seriously, who gets frosting in their hair (which I had tied back, no worries)?
Also, as my sassy cousin pointed out, I really think I should've piped "Congrats Me."
The little hats are a tradition that started with my oldest sister's graduation party, and here they are making their third appearance in our household. They're fussy, and a pain when it's humid, but do you see how adorable that is? A mini Reese's cup, a chocolate-covered graham, peanut butter for glue, and fruit roll-ups cut into little strips held by a mini m&m.
A friend of mine pointed out that those peel-y licorice string things might be a little less time-consuming if used as the tassel, and I don't know why we never thought of that before...should save some sticky fingers and annoying scissor-ing next time round. :P
All-in-all, this chocolate caramel delight got raving reviews, and I like to think that my word piping has improved immensely.
Photo credit for this and the next four pictures goes to my sister Carol |
The day was perfect, I found the perfect dress, and with my grandma's cameo around my neck, I can safely say that everyone I truly care about was there.
And naturally I was in the kitchen until the very last minute :)
But let me tell you, don't ever wear sandals to a bonfire. I don't care if it's summer or not. Mosquitoes like ankles, and suffice it to say that I practically bathed them in calamine lotion every day for a week before the itching ceased.
Still, again, it was worth it.
Thanks to all who have given me support and encouragement through my high school years, both on this blog and off of it. I appreciate you, truly. I'm ready to move on to bigger and better things.
Photo credit to Anita Klumpers |