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Hot Cross Carrot Cake Pancakes

  Did you think I'd forgotten about you, and the fact that you still don't know what to make for Easter brunch?  Never lose faith, friends, I'm here!

  But really, you have Sundays with Joy (And yes, I realize I'm a few days late for that.  Busy weekend!) to thank for these babies.


Brown Butter Toffee Peanut Butter Chocolate Bars {Product Review}

  Guess what we get to talk about today?  Peanut butter!  Booyah.

  Seriously though, I'm so excited.  This is my first product review, and so far I'm a fan.  I get free samples, I give you all my honest and uncompensated (unless otherwise indicated) opinions, and then you guys get some chance of a lifetime deals.

  Let's talk.


Fudgy Brownies with Salted Caramel Brandy Glaze

  Disclaimer: No straight-up alcohol was consumed by underage bakers during the making of these sinfully-good brownies.

  Just sayin'.  I'm a good kid, and I only have the occasional half glass of moscato or rum and coke when my parentals are around.  I have posted a few boozy things on this blog, but they are adult treats to be made with adult supervision.  However, the finished treats generally contain a significantly less amount of alcohol due to reduction.  Thus, the consumption of those are an entirely different story...


Black Bottom Peanut Butter Snickers Pie

  It's Pi Day, it's Pi Day!  And I'm so excited to finally share this with you!

  Seriously, this is by far one of the best things I've ever made (in my book, anyway).  Let me illustrate the layering process for you, and then you'll understand.


DIY Shamrock Shake

  So Monday happened, just in case you weren't aware of that little fact.

  I'm not usually one to fall into the classic "Monday hater" category.  I mean, come on, it's just another day of the week!  Who cares?

  But today...I dunno. I think I finally understand.


Brown Butter Coconut Dutch Baby with Bananas and Pineapple

  Dutch Babies.  When they first come out of the oven, they're a lovely, puffy mass of goodness.


Cinnamon Swirl Kuchen

  I actually remember waking up this morning, and I recalled my dream with supreme poignancy.

  I get some crazy dreams, but once in a while I'll have a particularly vivid one that will stay with me for the rest of the day.  No matter what I do, where I am, it's in my head until I manage sleep it away.

  That happened last night/today.  I tossed and turned, until finally I pulled myself out of it.  When I opened my eyes sunlight was streaming into my room.  I put my hand up and let the light fall across my arm.  For a few blissful seconds I was still dating a dream (quite literally, ha) boy, my dad's entire side of the family all lived together in this gorgeous forest- each of us with our own little cove.

  And my grandma was still alive.