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Brown Butter Marshmallow Popcorn Bars

  We used to host annual Oscars parties, back when we had consistent company/friends that cared about such things.  I remember one occasion when my little sister and I decided to get all "dressed up" for the red carpet.  This consisted of a horrendous amount of cherry-red (and scented) lip gloss, sparkly blue dresses a couple sizes too big, and plastic heels.  The ladies who came lent us their feather-y boas.  We were a couple of very happy and doted upon girls.


S'mores Cheesecake Bars

  It's a flannel sort of Sunday.  I've been sleeping in like nobody's business this weekend, and wearing crazy Target knee socks.  There are gummy bears galore, pianos to be played, and I'm currently wrestling through Wuthering Heights.  Speaking of which, can somebody please explain to me the extreme appeal girls seem to have towards Heathcliff?  I mean, sure, he's got a danged pathetic story, but the only person he really seems to care for is Catherine- and even then, he's got a pretty funny way of expressing his devotion.  I won't even get into Catherine's character right now.  Nope.  Can't.  Won't.


Raspberry Cream Cheese Stuffed French Toast~ A Breakfast in Bed Series

  We're continuing on the Valentine's theme today!  Dessert is covered, so let's focus on breakfast now.  Or, more specifically, breakfast in bed.


Mini Red Velvet and Chocolate Layer Cake

  And here we go!  Let singles awareness week commence.

  Now, obviously I'm not totally against Valentine's.  But still, 99% of the reason I made this little beauty is because it's for Sundays with Joy.  I'll still take any excuse to buy chocolate and watch chick flicks, though!  Valentine's is special for me in some ways.  I wrote up last year about how we celebrate it in our family, and those homemade cards and little gifts are what make it lovely.