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Brown Butter Caramel Apple Dutch Baby

  Friends.  It's been a whopping four months since I last posted.  Guess what we have to catch up on?  Well, firstly, my blogiversary was December 16th, so happy two year birthday to Indigo Scones!  You know, I meant to get a post up about it, but it was in the midst of finals for me, sorry about that.  I made a bigger (if somewhat belated) deal out of it last year, that should make up for it.  Goodness knows what next year will be.  Also, college.  That's happening.  Obviously.  And...I've missed this space.  So freaking much.


Tiramisu Ice Cream Sandwiches

  It can't be humanly tired to be this possible.

  I definitely just said that to myself.  Which tells you two things: 1- I talk to myself, and 2- There may be some incoherent ramblings in this post.  Bear with me.


The End of an Era

   Two 12x18 inch layers of fantastic chocolate cake sandwiching a filling of fluffy caramel swiss meringue buttercream, held together by a fudgy cocoa frosting.

  Undoubtedly the biggest project for my party, and maybe the most stressful cake I've assembled yet.  But was it worth it?  Ohhhh yes.  I think a small part of me died when we finally had to cut into it.
Honestly, you should have seen me trying to assemble the thing.  Notice the delightful frosting-streaked table background.  I'm probably the messiest decorator ever...heh.  Seriously, who gets frosting in their hair (which I had tied back, no worries)?

  Also, as my sassy cousin pointed out, I really think I should've piped "Congrats Me."

  The little hats are a tradition that started with my oldest sister's graduation party, and here they are making their third appearance in our household.  They're fussy, and a pain when it's humid, but do you see how adorable that is?  A mini Reese's cup, a chocolate-covered graham, peanut butter for glue, and fruit roll-ups cut into little strips held by a mini m&m.

  A friend of mine pointed out that those peel-y licorice string things might be a little less time-consuming if used as the tassel, and I don't know why we never thought of that before...should save some sticky fingers and annoying scissor-ing next time round. :P

  All-in-all, this chocolate caramel delight got raving reviews, and I like to think that my word piping has improved immensely.

Photo credit for this and the next four pictures goes to my sister Carol

  The day was perfect, I found the perfect dress, and with my grandma's cameo around my neck, I can safely say that everyone I truly care about was there.

  And naturally I was in the kitchen until the very last minute :)

  But let me tell you, don't ever wear sandals to a bonfire.  I don't care if it's summer or not.  Mosquitoes like ankles, and suffice it to say that I practically bathed them in calamine lotion every day for a week before the itching ceased.

  Still, again, it was worth it.

  Thanks to all who have given me support and encouragement through my high school years, both on this blog and off of it.  I appreciate you, truly.  I'm ready to move on to bigger and better things.

Photo credit to Anita Klumpers


Earl Grey Chocolate Sour Cream Cake

  I hope you all know of Irene from A Swoonful of Sugar, she's an awesome Australian blogging friend of mine that I've gotten to know this past year.  Recently I decided that just because we're on different continents, it doesn't mean we shouldn't be able to bake together!  And seeing as my motivation here has been lacking, I thought that this would be a good way to refresh baking and blogging for me.  Irene makes delightful things, and I'm looking forward to doing many more Across the Ocean baking sessions with her!

  Speaking of which, check out her take on the cake I picked for our first recipe here.  She totally gets creativity points this time!  Wowza.


Peanut Butter Nutella S'mores Bars

  Listening to crickets, gazing at fireflies, swatting at mosquitos, poking at glowing embers, and letting yourself get lost in the flames.  I have some of my best thoughts by a bonfire.  I don't know what it is about them that makes everything seem slightly magical, and somehow safe, but it really pulls at you.  People open up to each other, find the courage to sing, run off into the darkness at random until they're lured back by the enticing crackle of the fire and the smell of burning marshmallows.


Banana Berry Muffins

  Here are a couple of things you may not know about these muffins at first glance.  For one thing, they're healthy, as they contain quite a punch of fiber from 1/2 cup of ground flax seed.  The original recipe calls for oat bran, which is totally acceptable.  I've also used wheat germ.  Pretty much whatever healthy grain you've got, throw it in.  You'll never know!  Same goes for the berries, whatever you have, use it!


Raspberry Lemon Grapefruit Soufflé Pudding

  I made this pud on a rain day.

  I zested lemons and beat egg whites while thunder rumbled and rain slapped against the panes.  I prayed that the power would be merciful so I had time to bake this in our electric oven.  And, yes, the power has gone out in the middle of me making something.  I try not to remember that.


Coffee Bacon

  This, my friends, is not for the faint of heart.

  First of all, you should know that I'm not a coffee person.  And while this bacon isn't totally coffee-ed up, I could definitely taste it.  It was enough to make me not really like it, but my dad loooooved it.


God Bless

  If you've been wondering where I've been, this cake should explain much.  The past couple of weeks have been crazy, and this weekend was the finale.  Or perhaps just the beginning of graduating craziness.

  I made another giant cake yesterday.  A vast improvement since last time, wouldn't you say?  My piping definitely still needs work, but you can't just buy practice.  This chocolate beast was for my Catholic neighbors, and I figured the whole "God Bless" thing would actually be a good theme for this post.

  I had my last ever piano recital today.  Usually I'm a nervous mess around these things, but this time I was remarkably cool.  I sat down with a clear head and gave it my all.  And when I stood up to bow, applause just erupted.  I stood in front of the mic waiting to announce the next piece, but they wouldn't stop clapping.  I guess I could've taken another bow, but I didn't know what to do...except smile gratefully.  I've never seen anything like it at our recitals before.

  It was a brilliant way to end five years of study, and it's a moment I'll never forget.

  There have been a lot of such little endings.  Things I've been doing for four years that are just done now.  All gone.  People move on, more things happen, and you live life.  It makes me incredibly sad, but at the same time I can't wait to see what's next.

  Overall, I feel blessed.  And so crazy tired.  I hope to get some recipes up here soon, but know that the kitchen is never a dull place here.  Only this space has been neglected.  I miss it.  I haven't been able to work up motivation for it in a while.  I don't remember the last time I picked up a book either. My brain is in so many other places, and right now all I want to do is sleep and hang out with my closest friends.

  But I'll be back.  There's a part of me that always has to write and create, even when I'm not really feeling it.

  God Bless.


White Chocolate Honey Chamomile Cupcakes

  Macklemore, cupcakes, s'mores bars, How I Met Your Mother, piano, and friends.  That's the past two weeks, in a nutshell.  Between those events are attacks of senioritis, and when they happened I would literally watch 5 episodes of HIMYM in a row.  I don't know how I find that show soothing, but somehow it helped.  Please don't ask how many seasons I watched, I've already grounded myself from it for the time being.


Greek Drop Biscuits

  Welp, I've jinxed my Mondays.  I admit to having a crappy Monday once, and now, all of a sudden, they suck for no apparent reason.


  No happiness, zero energy, and motivation drops off the face of the earth.

  With that mood in mind, would one really want to go about and knead things?  Make a big, flour-y, butter-y mess on one's kitchen table just to have a few biscuits?  Is it too much work to line baking sheets with parchment?

  Well, today...yeah, yeah it is.


Hot Cross Carrot Cake Pancakes

  Did you think I'd forgotten about you, and the fact that you still don't know what to make for Easter brunch?  Never lose faith, friends, I'm here!

  But really, you have Sundays with Joy (And yes, I realize I'm a few days late for that.  Busy weekend!) to thank for these babies.


Brown Butter Toffee Peanut Butter Chocolate Bars {Product Review}

  Guess what we get to talk about today?  Peanut butter!  Booyah.

  Seriously though, I'm so excited.  This is my first product review, and so far I'm a fan.  I get free samples, I give you all my honest and uncompensated (unless otherwise indicated) opinions, and then you guys get some chance of a lifetime deals.

  Let's talk.


Fudgy Brownies with Salted Caramel Brandy Glaze

  Disclaimer: No straight-up alcohol was consumed by underage bakers during the making of these sinfully-good brownies.

  Just sayin'.  I'm a good kid, and I only have the occasional half glass of moscato or rum and coke when my parentals are around.  I have posted a few boozy things on this blog, but they are adult treats to be made with adult supervision.  However, the finished treats generally contain a significantly less amount of alcohol due to reduction.  Thus, the consumption of those are an entirely different story...


Black Bottom Peanut Butter Snickers Pie

  It's Pi Day, it's Pi Day!  And I'm so excited to finally share this with you!

  Seriously, this is by far one of the best things I've ever made (in my book, anyway).  Let me illustrate the layering process for you, and then you'll understand.


DIY Shamrock Shake

  So Monday happened, just in case you weren't aware of that little fact.

  I'm not usually one to fall into the classic "Monday hater" category.  I mean, come on, it's just another day of the week!  Who cares?

  But today...I dunno. I think I finally understand.


Brown Butter Coconut Dutch Baby with Bananas and Pineapple

  Dutch Babies.  When they first come out of the oven, they're a lovely, puffy mass of goodness.


Cinnamon Swirl Kuchen

  I actually remember waking up this morning, and I recalled my dream with supreme poignancy.

  I get some crazy dreams, but once in a while I'll have a particularly vivid one that will stay with me for the rest of the day.  No matter what I do, where I am, it's in my head until I manage sleep it away.

  That happened last night/today.  I tossed and turned, until finally I pulled myself out of it.  When I opened my eyes sunlight was streaming into my room.  I put my hand up and let the light fall across my arm.  For a few blissful seconds I was still dating a dream (quite literally, ha) boy, my dad's entire side of the family all lived together in this gorgeous forest- each of us with our own little cove.

  And my grandma was still alive.


Brown Butter Marshmallow Popcorn Bars

  We used to host annual Oscars parties, back when we had consistent company/friends that cared about such things.  I remember one occasion when my little sister and I decided to get all "dressed up" for the red carpet.  This consisted of a horrendous amount of cherry-red (and scented) lip gloss, sparkly blue dresses a couple sizes too big, and plastic heels.  The ladies who came lent us their feather-y boas.  We were a couple of very happy and doted upon girls.


S'mores Cheesecake Bars

  It's a flannel sort of Sunday.  I've been sleeping in like nobody's business this weekend, and wearing crazy Target knee socks.  There are gummy bears galore, pianos to be played, and I'm currently wrestling through Wuthering Heights.  Speaking of which, can somebody please explain to me the extreme appeal girls seem to have towards Heathcliff?  I mean, sure, he's got a danged pathetic story, but the only person he really seems to care for is Catherine- and even then, he's got a pretty funny way of expressing his devotion.  I won't even get into Catherine's character right now.  Nope.  Can't.  Won't.


Raspberry Cream Cheese Stuffed French Toast~ A Breakfast in Bed Series

  We're continuing on the Valentine's theme today!  Dessert is covered, so let's focus on breakfast now.  Or, more specifically, breakfast in bed.


Mini Red Velvet and Chocolate Layer Cake

  And here we go!  Let singles awareness week commence.

  Now, obviously I'm not totally against Valentine's.  But still, 99% of the reason I made this little beauty is because it's for Sundays with Joy.  I'll still take any excuse to buy chocolate and watch chick flicks, though!  Valentine's is special for me in some ways.  I wrote up last year about how we celebrate it in our family, and those homemade cards and little gifts are what make it lovely.


Champagne Cupcakes with Grapefruit Curd

  I sat down so many times to start writing this post.  I typed out the recipe, chose my photos, and then started a sentence- only to be eaten up by the unfeeling Mr. Backspace.

  I wondered, how can I make this post beautiful?  Should I (can I?) paint a picture, like Elissa?  Draw you in with a story, like Kaitlin?  Pull out the wit and real-life talk, like Joy?  Play up the sarcasm and make you guffaw, like Yammie?

  I finally caught myself.  How about I just be me?


The Sad Tale of a Tart

***UPDATE: I finally got around to revamping this beauty, find the foolproof recipe here!  You're welcome.
  I know, I'm cruel.  Here I put in front of your faces these tantalizing pictures that look remarkably like a peanut butter chocolate concoction, and yet, no recipe accompanies them.

  That IS rather cruel, but I don't mean it to be.

  You see, Sundays with Joy came across a recipe to be reckoned with this week.  I still adore Joy's book, and if you think about it, one recipe in a hundred certainly isn't bad.  But still, almost all of us had trouble with her tart.

  The crust was notoriously dry for many, and this being my first time even making a tart, I wasn't sure what to look for.  That being said, I did quite a few things wrong.  This tart may look (and even semi-taste) gorgeous, but oh my.

  I considered not posting at all, I considered just letting it lie.  But I'd already taken pictures, and I think you guys know me well enough that I can share my failures as well as successes.  If you've ever harbored secret suspicions that I'm some magical kitchen whiz...I'm here to dash those to bits.

  After adding some milk, I finally got the crust to come together.  But at that point, I think I had it pretty overworked.  I see now that it should've rested in the freezer for longer than an hour, but an hour is what I gave it.  Thus, it went into the oven, puffing and creating holes.  It comes as no surprise then that, as I poured in my liquid-y ganache, it leaked through the crust; creating a mess in my pretty new pan.

  Even after all this, I kept on.  I swirled my peanut butter, I left it to pull itself together in the fridge overnight.

  I had a piece today, and honestly...it was just alright.  I tried to dream up a reason to share it with you, but then I didn't know how I'd begin to write out the recipe.  It needs some work, and just a bit of revision before it's worthy for your tastebuds and kitchen.  The crust was ok..but it's not what I'd pick for a chocolate peanut butter tart.  And that's my own fault.  The original recipe calls for ganache, whipped cream, and fresh berries.  But, well...it's January.  And..I wanted peanut butter and chocolate.

  I want to promise you all right here and now that I will indeed bring this back to life!  With a more appropriate base and a better crust-to-filling ratio, it will be heavenly.

  Life's too short to live with disappointments.

  I'll be back soon with a cupcake for you patient people, but in the meantime, check out Carrie's lovely tart adaptation!  You'll also find the other members' tart posts at the bottom.  This proves that you can indeed make something beautiful out of a mess.  Everyone did so well!


Raspberry Lemon Bars

  So, you remember that discussion about how I didn't like chocolate crinkle cookies for the longest time?  How I thought they were all the same?

  Well, let's just throw lemon bars into that category.  Aaannd then let me remove those as well.  And perhaps let me further confess that I was, again, wrong.  Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong.


Gluten-Free Chocolate Fudge Crinkle Cookies

  Gluten.  The enemy of many a person's body.  The cause of so much almond flour.  What is taking the blame for so many ailments.  What is causing me to google xanthan gum.

  I won't pretend that I completely understand this sudden craze to go all GF, but I do know that in the midst of it, there are some people who seriously can't eat it.  At least, not without major consequences.  This article does a pretty good job of explaining the craze, if you're curious.