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Blueberry Scones

  Say hello to the best scone ever.

  You think I'm kidding?  Well, I don't really make a habit of tossing around the phrase "the best ever" now, do I?  There are very few recipes that make it that far.  These chocolate chip cookies are one of them, as well as these popular nutella ones.  These cinnamon rolls, and this cake.  They're all the best ever, in their own way.  Four recipes out of the ninety-four on my blog.  That's pretty special!


Bacon Cheddar Chive Jalapeño Biscuits

  My gosh, I get so sucked in sometimes.

  Friday found me in a foul mood.  I was absorbed in my own dread of just...everything.  Then that night, while I was stuffing down potato chips and reading a mushy book, my best friend walked into my room.  Her laughter at the sight of me hurriedly shoving the empty bag beneath my bed coaxed out the first genuine smile of the day.  She's pretty good at getting me to see the big picture.


Banana Caramel Whoopie Pies

  Life has been a bit of a whirlwind around here.

  My sister's making a movie, so when I'm not staying up until 1:00 AM helping the crew film, I'm at home helping my mom prepare meals. 

  This semi-chaotic schedule has been going for nearly two weeks now.  About this time last week, I actually found myself with some time to kill.  After rolling out of bed at an inordinately late morning hour, I needed to make something.  But not just anything, I wanted to make something that would require my whole brain to function.


Kettle Corn

  Kettle corn.

  Kettle corn occupies your hands and face, all the better to innocently stroll with the cute boy at the farmer's market

  Kettle corn is caramel apples, fudge, and autumn leaves.

  Kettle corn is comfort to a rejected soul.

  Kettle corn's scent brings forth the memory of a friendly vendor's smile.

  Kettle corn is spending the rest of your day with toothpicks.


Nectarine Scones

Real life:

  I'll probably never have Allyson Felix's torso.
  I'll probably never compete in the Olympics.
  It's unlikely that I'll ever be rich (monetary-wise).
  Getting different skin and hair ain't gonna happen.   
  That $100 dress will never be bought.
  The boy next door knows too many (cute) girls.
  I'll never fully master heels.
  Makeup and I have a complicated relationship.
  Facebook is a total creeper resource for crushing adolescents and adults alike.


Carrot Cream Cheese Pound Cake with Brown Sugar Cream Cheese Frosting

  I caved on this one, not gonna lie.  I was so brave about zucchini last time round, and those pancakes really were amazing, but...pound cake.  Zucchinis...and pound cake.  That's a whole other beast to tackle. (P.S. If you're totally lost, this is a Sundays with Joy recipe, and this week's assignment was Zucchini Cream Cheese Pound Cake.  Join the group to be in the know!)

  Now, to be fair, I would have tried it if I'd had zucchini on hand.  Last year we were up to our eyeballs in it, but this year we got next to nothing from our poor, dry garden.  What I did have on hand was a crisper full of carrots.  So, following the theme of my fall cravings, here we are!


Nigella's Snickerdoodles

  It's August, people.  That means next month is September.  And once September hits, it's only 23 more days until fall. Spices, bonfires, musty leaves, cool breezes...I'm so ready.

  But...it's still not quite here.  Until then, snickerdoodles will have to do.


S'mores Brownies

  I've been on a bit of a rebel kick these past couple Sundays.  Messing with granita flavors, turning pancakes into muffins...stuff like that.  I like that about Sundays with Joy, you test your limits, buy new ingredients, putz around with recipes to make them your own. 

  This week, as I flipped to the page labeled "S'mores Brownies," I knew that nothing more could possibly be done.