Now, don't look at me like that! I know what you're thinking. I do. First, I put avocado in cupcakes. You understand that, it was for vegan reasons. What you don't understand is why on earth I would willingly put mashed avocado into a perfectly good pound cake batter, when it's not even vegan. Am I right?
Pshh, you're so predictable. Live it up!
As I said before, avocados gave those vegan cupcakes such a lovellyyy texture. Moist, chocolate-y, blah blah blah. In this particular cake, the avocado actually shines through while giving it a super awesome moist feel.
Whipping together butter and sugar is heavenly anyway, but I have some sort of morbid fascination with food that is a color it really shouldn't be. I don't mean mold, gross, I mean stuff like green ketchup (you've seen this, right?). Heck, I named this blog after a scone that turned purple on me! It's just a thing. But anyway, that's what this batter will do, it will turn a light, minty green.
First off, this is delicious all on its own. I'm a total batter consumer.
Sadly, this beautiful color gets baked away, but that slight hint of avocado flavor stays.
Another fun fact is that I love cornmeal. I put it in biscuits and stuff. That extra little crunch is just...lovely. So, weird color and a cornmeal crunch? This cake is definitely for (weirdo) me.
Now, don't get me wrong, I love this cake. I really do! And I love Joy. That being said, I'm sort of unhappy. After tasting this magnificent creation, 1,001 ideas popped into my head that would make it even better. But, Sundays with Joy is on a schedule, so I don't have the time to remake this and fiddle. Some other time, I suppose, but I am slightly bummed that I can't share a remade recipe. You'll just have to buy the book, how horrible!
Behind the scenes!
Guess I wasn't the only one dying for a piece during the shoot.
Anyway, buy the book and make the cake while I fiddle with my own adaptations. Happy Sunday!