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The Norms (Because I Didn't Take Pictures of Anything I Baked This Weekend)

  The Norms:

  Muffins with personality, 'tis how I roll.

  Green smoothies.  I know, I know...I was scared too.  Believe when I say that this tastes precisely like tropical fruit.  Really!  Spinach is our friend.


Chocolate Rolo Cookies (Chocolate Caramel Surprise Cookies)

  There's a reason these are all over Pinterest.  Um, hello, chocolate cookies spewing out caramel?  Meant to be.


Sourdough Bread

  Friends, I have finally put my sourdough starter to use!  And I remembered to take pictures for all of you before the loaves got greedily gobbled.

  Herbert has made some delicious bread, I am pleased.

  Herbert is my sourdough starter, I'm not totally bonkers or anything (sort of).  If you would also like a Herbert, check out my sourdough starter posts!  Day 1 has the starter recipe and instructions, Day 2 shows Herbert in the inbetween stages, and Day 3 he's all bubbly and happy and yeasty.


Peanut Butter Oatmeal Sandwich Cookies

  There are certain ingredients that bring back memories of my Grandma, and the baked goods she made.

  These usually include nuts (typically walnuts or pecans), freshly-ground nutmeg, fresh raspberries, fresh strawberries, apples, oats, anise, whole wheat flour, and the like.  To me, they're Grandma things.


Mini Quiche Appetizers

  As one of the more popular appetizers at the party I catered, I thought it might be good to share these.  That, and my little sister had been bugging me to make them again ever since she discovered the leftover frozen puff pastry.  The little piggy.


Nutella Peanut Butter Banana Muffins

  I'm trying not to be a fussy pants right now.  I'm trying to be a...thankful pants.


The Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookie

  Chocolate chip cookies play an integral part in my baking life, they always have.


Leftover Easter Chocolate Chunk Brownies

  Hey!  Easter happened!  Just in case you didn't know.

  This year was different for me.  I do believe, for the first time, my grandma forgot to hide candy around her house.  Ok, yeah, my sisters and I are a wee bit old for that, but she's always done it.  Always.  Same hiding places, every time.

  This lady has never accepted change well, but she is good to us.


Strawberry Shortcake

  There was a time in my girlhood when I had quite a thing for Strawberry Shortcake.  And I don't just mean the dessert, I mean this chick.

  I much prefer the appearance of the older one, relaunching Strawberry Shortcake and all her pals was a silly thing to do.  But, that didn't stop me from buying strawberry-scented dolls, her "Berry Yummy" Cookbook, T-shirts, and even flip-flops.

  I also seem to have a thing for pink cookbooks.


I Catered a Party. Wait, What?

  14 recipes, 3 grocery trips, too many ingredients to count, several post-it notes, sore feet, 3 days of cooking/baking, much mental math, and 50 hungry mouths.  That was my weekend.

  The day of the party was so incredibly surreal.  I was going bonkers, but in a very calm and efficient sort of way.  I was ordering my parents and sister around like any typically crazed head chef, and was actually the last one to arrive (45 minutes late...) at the party, bearing still warm mini quiches.


Real Life

  Real life.  The frosting for these innocent beauties is being difficult.

  I'm catering a party on Monday, and that frosting needs to be ready.  And so do I.

  Coming atchya, mascarpone!


"Man Bait" Apple Crisp (And Blog Awards!)

  That, my friends, is the sort of title that only Joy the Baker could coin.  I don't know yet whether or not it's effective, but this is one that should go into your arsenal.

  I don't know how comfortable I am with having an arsenal for boys...that makes me look desperate.  Which I'm definitely not.  Single life means more apple crisp for me, done deal.

  That's a good deal, because this recipe is seriously sooo fricken amazing.


Almost Burnt Salted Caramel Sauce

  Well, friends, I have posted a second caramel sauce recipe.  We have this dark, coppery dear, and the innocently sweet vanilla bean sauce.

  Why two, you ask?  I dunno.  I like caramel.  And hello, this is from Joy the Baker's cookbook (I'm proud to say that my copy is butter-spattered and has been scribbled in by the lady herself).  Of course I'm going to make it!  And she herself recommended the pairing of this with her famous "man bait" apple crisp (coming soon!), so obviously, it had to be made.

  And made it was.