When life pulls out the big guns, throws deadlines in your face, and has your patience dangling 50 stories high on a thread, what do you do? Scream? Keep calm? Plot? Pray? Procrastinate (come clean, now...)? Cry? Eat doughnuts?
Buttermilk Pound Cake
When life pulls out the big guns, throws deadlines in your face, and has your patience dangling 50 stories high on a thread, what do you do? Scream? Keep calm? Plot? Pray? Procrastinate (come clean, now...)? Cry? Eat doughnuts?
Wild Yeast Hunt, Day 3 (Sourdough Starter)
Friends! We've done it! Wild yeast has been caught. Herbert is alive!
This morning I pulled back the towel to reveal this bubbly beast, and there's definitely a distinct sour aroma.
All that's left is to let this aroma develop for a few days, and you've got your starter!
Separation is still occuring, so to prevent icky dry tops, stir it 1-2 times a day for the 3-4 days you have this sitting on your counter. And keep it covered!
Yay Herbert!
(Check out Day 1 and Day 2 if you're terribly confused.)
Wild Yeast Hunt, Day 2 (Sourdough Starter)
Here it is! Day 2! Obviously, we haven't caught anything yet, but no worries! Sometimes it takes awhile. Patience.
As you can see, it has separated a bit, so we'll just stir that back together. I usually do this 2-3 times a day, but for the most part I leave it alone and let it do it's thing.
Wild Yeast Hunt, Day 1 (DIY Sourdough Starter)
A hunting we will go! Roll up your sleeves and scald a bowl, we're going to catch wild, airborne yeast today. Well, maybe not today, but we're going to set a trap. It's a simple trap, consisting of things yeast goes bonkers for.
Cinnamon Crumble Chocolate Chip Banana Bread
Things have been happenin' this week, and I'm also knee-deep into the Hunger Games. Can't. Stop. Reading.
I guess I underestimated that book's power to draw you in. In any case, I've had a hard time putting it down to do anything useful. Despite the fact that there's 9,000,000 other things requiring my attention.
Things mostly like this blog, baking, ACT prep, piano...and a bunch of stuff around the house. But I won't bore you with that, everyone has their own to-do lists to worry about. I'm here to offer you some reprieve through the comfort of warm, cinnamon-y banana bread. That I can do.
English Muffins
Sometimes, I'm amazed at how easy some things are to make at home. And how much much better they taste.
These are no exception. These are easy. These are wonderful.
Fluffy Vanilla Cake with Whipped Vanilla Bean Frosting
There is something tremendously satisfying about a rustic vanilla cake.
Sometimes, you wake up, and you just know that a cake has to happen. And because it's a free weekend, obviously you have every right to coax a flavorful cake out of the oven and smother it with vanilla bean buttercream. I mean frosting...or whatever.
Either way, there's definitely butter involved. Be still my soul.
Blackberry and Jam Muffins with Streusel Topping
I just want to take a moment and say something.
I'm really happy.
Yes, seriously! I'm getting sweet comments from people about my blog so much lately. And it isn't limited to the little comment section at the bottom of the page. I've had people post on my facebook, mention me on twitter, and a few friends of mine have stopped me just to say, "I love your blog! Like, seriously! It makes me so happy."
You know what? YOU make me so happy. I don't care if I have 6 or 600 followers. Ever. The ones I have right now are just sweet. I love doing what I do here, I love inspiring people to make cupcakes. I love when people throw kind words at me. Thank you, you make my life.
Salted Peanut Butter Ball Brownie Cookies
I'm way too excited to be sharing this recipe. This is the first one tried from my brand new Joy the Baker cookbook, and I am so in love. Favorite cookbook, ever. Hands down.
Let the celebration of butter and sugar begin!
Oreo Truffles
I'm sort of the last one to get on this oreo truffle bandwagon, but whatevs! Here they are. Eat them and love them.
Hot Fudge Sauce
Today, I drove with the windows down while blasting Z104. I know it's not quite summer, but with such glorious weather, it only causes one to hope. It made me happy. It made me forget (if just for a little while) of:
The studying I had to do for my test on the circulatory system.
The fact that my ACT is a month away.
That next year I'm friggin graduating.
That I'll be 18 in 7 months.
That I need to find a job.
The extreme suck-age of money.
Cream Cheese Cinnamon Rolls
I have a non-cookie recipe today! And not just any non-cookie recipe, but a non-cookie cinnamon roll recipe. It also just so happens to be the best cinnamon roll recipe ever.
At least in my book, but I'm pretty sure these will also go in your book once you've tasted them. Cream cheese is folded right into the dough, creating a lovely creamy texture like none other.
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